Are there any earthquakes in Colombia?

Are there any earthquakes in Colombia?

This is a list of earthquakes in Colombia. Colombia is a seismically active country and has a large seismic risk in many areas of its territory due to its location at the boundaries of the Malpelo, Panama, Caribbean, North Andes (where most earthquakes occurred) and South American Plates along the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Who documented the earthquake in Mexico in the 1500s?

The earthquake was documented by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés in his work La Historia general de las Indias and by friar Bartolomé de las Casas in his book Historia de Las Indias.

Is Colombia seismically active?

Colombia is a seismically active country and has a large seismic risk in many areas of its territory due to its location at the boundaries of the Malpelo, Panama, Caribbean, North Andes (where most earthquakes occurred) and South American Plates along the Pacific Ring of Fire .

When was the Terremoto de los Muzos?

El terremoto de los Muzos (1646, abril 3) a la luz de un excepcional documento colonial, la relación de Don Bartolomé de Mázmela y Poveda. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 31. 205–212. Accessed 2017-09-18. Espinosa Baquero, Armando. 2001.

What was the impact of the 1970 Colombia earthquake?

The 1970 Colombia earthquake occurred in Colombia on July 31. The shock killed one person and injured several others. Because it was a deep-focus earthquake, shaking occurred over an extensive area, including San Juan, Bogotá, Caracas, Buenos Aires, and São Paulo; it was felt as far north as Mexico City.

What is the biggest earthquake in Ecuador?

The strongest earthquake, with an estimated moment magnitude of 8.8 also happened offshore Ecuador in 1906. Other major earthquakes were the 1875 Cúcuta earthquake with around 10,000 deaths and the 1999 Armenia earthquake with an intensity of X.

What is SNF?

SNF is a specialty chemical group whose products contribute to treating, recycling, preserving water, saving energy, and reducing carbon footprint. A pioneer in soft chemistry, SNF has long been present on all continents, employing 6,600 people, including nearly 2,000 in the USA.