Where is Szczecin located?

Where is Szczecin located?

Home to the largest seaport in Poland, Szczecin is the country’s seventh largest city. The city played an important role in the anti-communist uprisings of 1970 and the rise of the Solidarity trade union in the 1980s. Under-the-radar and easy-to-get-to destinations you’ll definitely want to add to your list!

What is the Rathaus in Szczecin?

This is the Rathaus built in 1869, now known as the Czerwony Ratusz (Red Town Hall), built in the red brick gothic revival style typical of 19th century Prussian civic architecture. The building still houses parts of the Szczecin city administration.

Why is there a Szczecin Street named after Stalin?

So it’s a surprise to find a Szczecin street named, even indirectly, after Stalin. The name actually means “Street of the Defenders of Stalingrad.” This is a memorial to the men of the “Berling Army,” the Polish army formed from former POWs and exiles in the Soviet Union.

The area between Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg) and Szczecin was founded by Duke Wartislav I in 1121 as the ‘ Duchy of Pomerania ‘, and the dynasty known as the ‘ House Of Griffin ‘ was born. With a population of somewhere between 5,000 and 9,000, Szczecin was now considered the major centre, if not the capital, of Pomerania.

What is it like to live in Szczecin?

Szczecin (then Stettin), along with other 21st-century Polish cities like Bydgoszcz (then Bromberg), Poznań (then Posen) and Wrocław (then Breslau), all experienced a huge amount of development and economic prosperity, particularly in the 19th century, thanks to Prussian investment.

How did Szczecin become a part of Poland?

It wasn’t long, however, until the newly-christened Polish State under Mieszko I, the first of the Piast rulers, expanded from their base region in today’s Wielkopolska and took control of Szczecin in the 10th century. The locality would change hands frequently between the Poles and the German-fronted Holy Roman empire over the next two centuries.

In West Pomerania, the city of Szczecin is a major seaport that first grew rich from trade on the Baltic in the Middle Ages. Known as Stettin in German, it’s a city that has passed between opposing powers for hundreds of years.

What is the Piast Boulevard in Szczecin?

The Piast Boulevard, rebuilt in 2013 as part of the Szczecin Floating Garden 2050 development project, is situated in the center of Szczecin. It is alongside the Oder river, to the south of Wały Chrobrego. Its name comes from the Piast Dynasty – Poland’s first dynasty that ruled the country between the 10th and the 14th centuries.

Is Stettin in Poland or Germany?

Stettin is located mostly west of the Oder river, which was expected to become Poland’s new western border, placing Stettin in East Germany.

What makes Szczecin so special?

For visitors, Szczecin’s charm is in its Haussmann-style avenues and the majestic embankment that was constructed on the Oder at the start of the 20th century.