What is the most common birthday date in Australia?

What is the most common birthday date in Australia?

17 September
3301.0 – Births, Australia, 2016. The most common birthday for babies born in Australia is 17 September, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

What is the most popular date for a birthday?

September 9th
According to real birth data compiled from 20 years of American births, mid-September is the most birthday-packed time of the year, with September 9th being the most popular day to be born in America, followed closely by September 19th.

What is the rarest birth month?

According to the CDC, February is the least common birth month. That’s also logical, seeing as nine months prior is May which marks longer, sunnier days, warmer temperatures and usually more outside activity.

What is the rarest birthday in Australia?

It’s interesting to see that the least popular birthdays include quite a few public holidays – December 25 (Christmas Day), December 26 (Boxing Day), January 1 (New Year’s Day), January 26 (Australia Day) and April 25 (Anzac Day).

What’s the least common birthday?

10 Least Popular Birthdays Christmas, New Years, Christmas Eve, July 4th, Halloween, and some suspiciously Thanksgiving days all make the top 10 least common birthdays.

What is the least common birthday in Australia?

Least popular birthdays are:

  • February 29.
  • December 25.
  • December 26.
  • January 1.
  • January 26.
  • April 25.
  • December 27.
  • December 28.

What is the least common birthday?

What is the rarest birthday date?

According to the chart, Christmas Day is the least common birthday, followed by New Years Day, and Christmas Eve and the 4th of July. There are also fewer birthdays on the 13th of each month, as compared to the 12th and 14th. September 11th is noticeably lower than birthdays around it as well.

What is the most common birthday in Australia?

Turns out the most common birthday in Australia over the past 10 years is September 17, according to the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. And, as The Herald Sun reports, it’s likely the festive season contributed to the number of babies born on that day.

What is the most common birthday date in America?

In 2006, researchers from Harvard University examined the birth rates from 1973 to 1999 and concluded that many people are usually born on September 16. A more recent report by Matt Stiles confirmed that September 9 is the most common birthday date. Stiles developed a visualization based on information compiled on all the births from 1994-2014.

What is the third most common birthday in the world?

The people born on the two most common birthdays on the planet were conceived during the holiday season in December. The third most common birthday date in the world is September twelfth.

What are the most common birthdays in September?

According to the data, 9 out of the top-10 birthday dates are in September which means that they were conceived from December 17 to December 28. The Most Common Birthdays September 9. September 9 is the most common birth date on the planet, which has seen an average of 12,301 births from 1994 to 2004 in the United States alone.