How does a turbopump work?

How does a turbopump work?

A rocket engine turbopump receives liquid propellants from vehicle tanks at relatively low pressure and supplies the same to its combustion chamber at a specific injection pressure and flow rate. The high-pressure gases involved in this chamber expand to power the turbine of the turbopump.

What is vacuum technique?

1 – Vacuum Techniques The vacuum techniques are needed, for example, to eliminate gas convection in cryostats, to open thermal switches, to decrease the pressure above the surface of a liquid to lower its temperature, to circulate helium in dilution refrigerators, and for the purpose of leak detection.

What is a vacuum turbo pump?

A turbomolecular pump is a type of vacuum pump, superficially similar to a turbopump, used to obtain and maintain high vacuum. These pumps work on the principle that gas molecules can be given momentum in a desired direction by repeated collision with a moving solid surface.

What is the main purpose of a vacuum pump?

A vacuum pump’s main function is to change the pressure in a contained space to create a full or partial vacuum either mechanically or chemically. Pressure will always try to equalize across connected regions as gas molecules flow from high to low to fill the entire area of that volume.

How much does a rocket turbopump cost?

Initially, each turbopump will cost about $300,000 – one-tenth of the average cost of a current rocket engine turbopump. That cost also is expected to drop to about $90,000.

Who invented turbopump?

Turbopump Development, 1947-1949 [50] The principal engineer for turbopump development was George Bosco. This was a new field for Aerojet, and during the second half of 1947, Bosco and his group learned about the pump work of others and made preliminary design studies.

What is vacuum example?

An example of vacuum is to clean the dirt off the carpet using a vacuum cleaner. verb. The definition of a vacuum is a space devoid of air or matter, or a tool that uses suction to clean. An example of a vacuum is a space with nothing in it. An example of a vacuum is something used to clean up dirt on a floor.

Where is vacuum technology used?

Besides the semiconductor industry, which accounts for the biggest share, vacuum technology is used in a wide range of industrial processes – be it packaging, drying, degassing, distillation, coating, evacuation or insulation – and it doesn’t stop there.

What is pumping speed of vacuum pump?

In short, pumping speed is a measure of the pump’s capacity to remove gas from the chamber. It is measured in: liters per second (L/sec); cubic feet per minute (cfm); or cubic meters per hour (m3/hr). Basic Vacuum Concepts. Measuring Pumping Speed. Pumping.

What are the types of vacuum pump?

There are two basic categories of vacuum pump: Gas Transfer Pumps and entrapment or capture pumps (Figure 1).

How much does a SpaceX Merlin cost?

SpaceX Merlin engine costs less than $1 million. Elon has said SpaceX produce the Raptor for cheaper than or close to the Merlin engine in later simplified Raptor versions. Tim estimates current Raptors at $2 million.

How fast do vacuum turbopumps pump?

Pfeiffer Vacuum turbopumps are available for pumping speeds of between 10 and 2,700 liters per second. These pumps will win you over with their high cost-efficiency and flexibility.

What is a turbopump and how does it work?

Turbopumps have established themselves globally as the technological standard, having acquired their name from their turbine cousins. High-speed rotors with up to 90,000 rpm generate the pressure conditions required for application. This allows a vacuum of up to 10 -11 mbar to be generated in the high and ultra-high vacuum range.

What is the backing-vacuum pressure of a pure turbomolecular pump?

In the case of pure turbomolecular pumps, backing-vacuum pressures of approximately 10 -2 mbar are required due to their molecular flow.

What determines the ultimate pressure of a turbopump?

In many cases, the actual ultimate pressure will be a factor of the desorption conditions on the high vacuum side of the turbopump and its pumping speed, and not the compression ratios of the pumps.